💻 🤯 Awesome F/OSS #36

Awesome F/OSS #33 - Audio Bookshelf - Piped - Zola

🎉 Welcome to the first weekly edition of Awesome F/OSS!

I've got three awesome F/OSS projects for you today:

📚 Audio Bookshelf

Self-hosted audiobook and podcast server

Audio Bookshelf (code) hosts your audio books and podcasts, and makes it easy to take your knowledge on the go. The project has a flair for design:

audio bookshelf home page (source: https://www.audiobookshelf.org)

and it's very straight forward to install with docker – this means it's going to be very easy to maintain.

If you've got a lot of audio books, check it out!

📺 Piped

An alternative privacy-friendly YouTube frontend which is efficient by design.

If you've been fed up with YouTube's increasingly complex front end, you might love Piped. Piped (code) is an alternative frontend for Youtube that is so awesome it's already being blocked by Cloudflare, evidently. Piped is very minimal:

piped.video on 2022/11/24 (source: https://piped.video)

Escape the algorithm, save yourself some time – try Piped as an alternative frontend to YouTube today!

✍🏾 Zola

Everything you need to make a static site engine in one binary.

Zola  (code) is a static site generator written in Rust that is very simple, easy to use and blazing fast.

Zola's CLI-driven so there are no awesome visuals to look at, except for the ones you'll create with their extensive list of themes:

(you might notice that "modern documentation" theme from Authelia's home page.

So if you want a no-BS static site

🙇🏾 Thanks for reading

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See you next week,