
Kukkee makes scheduling events or meetings with many people a breeze. In addition to being easy to use, Kukkee is powered by MongoDB, an easy to to start and administer database that's loved by developers.

🚀 Project of the day: Kukkee

Kukkee | Meeting poll tool
Free and open source meeting poll tool. Bring people together, at the right time!

You'd think scheduling meetings was easy, but sometimes it's very hard. Kukkee (code) makes scheduling meetings across a variety of calendars a snap.

Kukkee makes it easy for multiple people to figure out a meeting time that works for them, across many timezones and many locations.

Kukkee runs on MongoDB which is easy to start, adminster and easy to scale.

You can give Kukkee a spin by using it for free online as well!

💰 F/OSS support update

New people have pledged to support F/OSS software 🎉!

This means new projects are being supported by Awesome F/OSS, which we're all excited about. Here are the new projects being supported:

To see all the projects supported by Awesome F/OSS, check out the Giving Back page.