🔗 Shlink
Shlink if a full-featured link shortener that you cna self-host and use to make flexible links with analytics/redirects built in.

Need to post some links in a small amount of space? You're going to want Shlink (code). It's a F/OSS link shortener with a great featureset, solid UI and good usability.
Shlink is chock full of features:

If that wasn't enough, they've also got great documentation as well to teach you to run the tool.
Often rare with smaller projects, Shlink has architecture documentation that you can peruse:

While most people (self-hosters, for example) may not be running a private network per-say or have well defined/separated ingress, the architectural overview is useful.
Running Shlink
Running Shlink is simple since there is an official docker image (with 10MM downloads!), and the docker
container has been built in a way that makes it easy to run:
docker run \
--name my_shlink \
-p 8080:8080 \
-e DEFAULT_DOMAIN=your.domain.tld \
-e GEOLITE_LICENSE_KEY=<license key> \
For your own purposes it's a probably a good idea to stick to a specific release of shlink (which are also well documented) rather than using stable
(which can change upon re-pull).